Thursday, January 30, 2014


Sorry everyone, I could not figure out how to add comments to my last blog, so I just made a new one and copy and pasted.
An answer to a question that Professor Mulder asked me via email was, "How old is the oldest tree ever recorded?"
I looked it up and according to (, the oldest tree ever recorded was called "Prometheus" and was 4,900 years old. The oldest tree that is still alive is called "Methusela" and is 4,765 years old, and remains hidden and a secret 10,000 ft up in the white mountains. They wanted to keep it a secret so no one would try to cut it down.


  1. Thanks, Ginny!!
    There is a song by a Celtic folkgroup (I can't remember who right now) told from the point of view of a tree watching the world around it as it grows old - starting around when the Romans arrived in the UK. "Methusela" could tell an even more interesting story!

  2. The University of Arizona has a cross section of "Prometheus" and this link tells the story of why it was unfortunately cut down.
